Part 1

You will hear an interview with a woman called Alison Palmer, who is talking about her career as an ecologist. You will hear the interview only once. 

Decide if the statement for each of the items is true (+) or not true (-)

Now you will have one minute to read the items.

Part 1.

As a teenager, Alison tried to be different form her parents.


When Alison started college, she was irritated by the way she was treated.


At college, Alison was embarrassed about the gaps in her knowledge.


Alison chose psychology as a specialisation mainly for family reasons.


Alison's decision to become an ecologist reflected the wishes of her parents.


Alison thought carefully about becoming an ecologist.


Before joining the Antarctica project, Alison says she had underestimated the cost of financing research in Antarctica.


When talking to non-specialists about Antarctica, the hardest point for Alison to get across is how fascinating it can be.


What Alison found most challenging about her work was the pressure on her to publish new research.


Alison's advice to students interested in becoming professional ecologists is that it is best to avoid specialising too much.


Sed tristique at nisi eget fringilla. Vivamus ullamcorper vestibulum felis, eget rhoncus orci mollis vitae. Vestibulum ut volutpat odio, vitae porttitor nisi.

Nam et gravida felis, non ornare odio. Ut ligula ex, bibendum ac tortor sed, iaculis fringilla ex. Nam congue posuere porta. Quisque cursus risus eros, eu euismod quam posuere ut. Donec non nisl vel eros placerat pretium et sed dolor. In ac dolor ut turpis ultricies rutrum id vitae ante.


Sed tristique at nisi eget fringilla. Vivamus ullamcorper vestibulum felis, eget rhoncus orci mollis vitae. Vestibulum ut volutpat odio, vitae porttitor nisi.

Nam et gravida felis, non ornare odio. Ut ligula ex, bibendum ac tortor sed, iaculis fringilla ex. Nam congue posuere porta. Quisque cursus risus eros, eu euismod quam posuere ut. Donec non nisl vel eros placerat pretium et sed dolor. In ac dolor ut turpis ultricies rutrum id vitae ante.


Sed tristique at nisi eget fringilla. Vivamus ullamcorper vestibulum felis, eget rhoncus orci mollis vitae. Vestibulum ut volutpat odio, vitae porttitor nisi.

Nam et gravida felis, non ornare odio. Ut ligula ex, bibendum ac tortor sed, iaculis fringilla ex. Nam congue posuere porta. Quisque cursus risus eros, eu euismod quam posuere ut. Donec non nisl vel eros placerat pretium et sed dolor. In ac dolor ut turpis ultricies rutrum id vitae ante.

Full test

Sed tristique at nisi eget fringilla. Vivamus ullamcorper vestibulum felis, eget rhoncus orci mollis vitae. Vestibulum ut volutpat odio, vitae porttitor nisi.

Nam et gravida felis, non ornare odio. Ut ligula ex, bibendum ac tortor sed, iaculis fringilla ex. Nam congue posuere porta. Quisque cursus risus eros, eu euismod quam posuere ut. Donec non nisl vel eros placerat pretium et sed dolor. In ac dolor ut turpis ultricies rutrum id vitae ante.