
Euroexams test general language proficiency in English and German languages at three levels, Threshold (B1), Vantage (B2) and Operational Proficiency (C1) levels. Due to the outstanding reliability and acknowledged objectivity of the Euroexams these examinations provide bonus points for university entrance in a growing number of colleges and universities. Candidates may use any printed dictionary in every exam part.

Euroexam format (B2 level)

READING (Time: 35 minutes)

Task 1 – Paragraph Headings

There are six paragraphs for which the candidate must find the most appropriate heading from a choice of eight paragraph headings. Two headings are not needed. An example is provided.

Task 2 – Scan Reading

The candidate reads four texts on a single topic and seven statements containing information from one of the texts. The candidate’s task is to decide which text each statement relates to. An example is provided.

Task 3 – Multiple-Choice Reading

The candidate answers seven multiple choice comprehension questions based on a single text of 350-450 words, normally an article, letter or narrative.


WRITING (Time: 60 minutes)

Task 1 – Transactional Writing

The candidate reads several pieces of written or diagrammatic text (leaflets, notes, letters, maps, timetables) providing a context and information for the task. The candidate is asked to write a 100 - 120 word transactional formal or semi-formal letter or email using the information provided.

Task 2 – Discursive Writing

There are three tasks from which the candidate chooses one. The candidate must write a ca. 150 word text within the genre specified. The type of text could be an article, a review, a letter to the editor or an essay.


LISTENING (Time: ca. 35 minutes)

Task 1 – Short Conversations

The candidate listens twice to six short recordings made in the same location, and matches them with eight pictures, diagrams or short pieces of text, (e.g. a list, email extracts, advertisements).

Task 2 – Making Notes

The candidate listens twice to an extended monologue. There are notes based on the text which contain nine gaps. Each gap requires a piece of information, which the candidate must write while listening in no more than three words.

Task 3 – Radio Programme

The candidate listens twice to an excerpt from a radio programme. S/he answers ten multiple-choice questions while listening. The programme may be news, documentary or formal discussion.


SPEAKING  (Time: 10 minutes preparation + 20 minutes interview)

Candidates are examined in pairs - or very occasionally in groups of three. There are two examiners: one an interlocutor, the other an assessor. The candidate has ten minutes before the test for preparing Task 2.

Task 1 – Interview (2-3 minutes)

The interlocutor will ask the candidate one introductory question and then two questions on another topic. Topics include travel, work, family, sport, cinema, hobbies, education, relationships, housing, news and current affairs and the environment.

Task 2 – Picture Story (2 mins for each candidate)

The candidate receives a picture story with an opening line; the task is to tell the story. Before meeting the examiner, the candidate has had ten minutes to prepare a story. The candidate may make notes in the preparation stage, but should not read aloud from a prepared script.

Task 3 – Transactional Dialogues (4-5 mins)

The candidate receives a cue card. The card describes a situation, the candidate’s role in the situation, and gives instructions. The candidate speaks, the interlocutor gives a scripted reply and then the candidate responds to the reply. Each candidate will have three cue cards. Candidates alternate in doing this task.

Task 4 – Discussion (3-4 mins)

The candidates as a pair receive a topic card which contains a debatable point or question (e.g. what are some of the problems of living in a foreign country?). First they think of issues which answer the question or contribute to the debate. Then the candidates discuss, expand on and prioritise these issues. Task 4 is the only task in the speaking test in which the candidates talk to their partner.